PROGRAM DIAG C Version date: 28-Apr-2002 C C The program calculates the lowest 2 (3) eigenvalues of the Hamiltonian C truncated to N states. If N>0 it also calculates Temple's inequality. C dE0=(-^2)/(E1-E0). Table for b+i*bs with i=0 to nb-1. C C Reduced (angular) matrix elements made with Mathematica are read from: C Htab2r: 'I N M X', with N<=M and I=0,2,4 (X=Hv[N,M]), I=1 (X=Hf[N,M]), C I=3 (X=2L(L+7)=(l-3)(l+4)) and I=9 (END). The Hred^2 matrix elements C are read taken from HHtab2r: with I=10,12,14,16,18 (X=Hv^2[N,M]), C I=11,13,15 X=(Hv*Hf)[N,M], I=20,22 (X=(Hf^2)[N,M]) and I=19 (END). C Radial matrix elements made with Mathematica are read C from Rtab2 and RRtab2: 'I q p l k X' for k>2, k-l=0,1,2,3,4,5,6,8 and C q,p=0,1,....,pmax (but for k=l q<=p), with I=1,4 (X*Hf for dl=1 and C X*Hv for dl=0,2,4), I=2,5,8 (X*Hf^2 for dl=0,2, X*Hv*Hf for dl=1,3,5 C and X*Hv^2 for dl=0,2,4,6,8) and I=0 (END). C C IMPORTANT: entries in (H)Htab2r, (R)Rtab2 and Bjtab should occur only C once. Reset NM=nmax (420), LM=lmax (42) and PM=pmax (20) when required. C plist contains the number of radial modes for each of the spherical C harmonics. Stops reading at "nmax p" -- nmax should match NM exactly. C C Full F=2 Hamiltonian by combining angular and radial parts: C Formats: N<0 b bs nb dr=0 Table for N-truncated H to 'tab-out' as C {b, 0. ,E0,E1,0.} (requiring 'Htab2r', 'Rtab2' and 'plist') C Formats: N>0 b bs nb dr=0 for N-truncated H to 'tab-out' as C {b,E0-dE0,E0,E1,0.} (requiring in addition 'HHtab2r', 'RRtab2') C C Full Hamiltonian as constructed in mathematica programmes, C Htab0 made with for F=0 or for F=2 (harmonic): C Formats: N b=w bs nb dr=-1 for N-truncated H (F=1-sg(w)) to 'tab-out' as C {w, 0. ,E0,E1,0.} (requiring 'Htab0/2h', no 'HHtab0', N<=NM) C Formats: N b bs nb dr<-1 for N-truncated H (F=2) to 'tab-out' as C {b,E0-dE0,E0,E1,0.} (requiring 'Htab2' and 'HHtab2', N<=NM) C C If 0<|dr|<1 diagonalize the reduced Hamiltonian at fixed r C and calculate the norm of the derivative of the wavefunction, C dZ/dr=(Z(r-dr)-Z(r+dr))/(2dr), Veff=E0+6/r^2+(dZ/dr)^2/2. C Formats: N b=r bs nb 0>dr>-1 for N-truncated Hred (F=0) to 'tab-out' as C {r,E0-dE0,E0,E1,Veff} (requiring 'Htab0r' and 'HHtab0r') C Formats: N b=r bs nb dr>0 for N-truncated Hred (F=2) to 'tab-out' as C {r,E0-dE0,E0,E1,Veff} (requiring 'Htab2r' and 'HHtab2r') C C For nb=1 wavefunction written to the file 'psi' and for dr=0, fn*fn and C fn are computed (diagonalizes Hred for each tabulated r values). C For nb=0 avoids writing psi, and when dr=0 compute fn*fn (but put fn=0). C For nb>1 when bs=0 and N<0 (else nb->1) table of first nb eigenvalues. C For nb<0 (->nb=1) pruning is applied with level TP (|bs| when nonzero), C until relative error below TE (|dr| when nonzero), or number C of basis vectors decreases (but always restart after first run). C It is useful to test by editing plist, P(I)=0->1, and restart. C C Batch use: diag >tout; format of tab-in: N b bs nb dr C writes result to tab-out. Without '>>tout' ALSO on the screen! C C Minimum requirement array declarations (for Htab2h may reset NM to NMT): C DOUBLE PRECISION AM(N(NC+1)),WORK(MAX(N(3NC+6),N**2)),Z(3N),HD(MAX(N,NM)) C DOUBLE PRECISION D(NMT),H(NMT,NMT),HH(NM,NM),FF(NM,NM) C INTEGER L(NM),P(NM),NF(NM),NS(LM),NE(LM) C C If all P(I)=P, NC=INT(4SQRT(NM+(P-1)/P)-3)P, e.g. for P=9 we get C N=3780,NC=711, and AM(2691360),WORK(14288400),Z(11340),HD(3780) C With pruning not all states are used, and pmax>9 is allowed when C N<=NNM and NC<=NCM, but NC>NCM need not be fatal as long as NNCM or N>NNM and when PM=pmax is reset to (R)Rtab2 value. C STOP if LM=lmax, NM=nmax do not match (R)Rtab2 and (H)tab2r values. C INTEGER PM,PN,PT,L(420),P(420),NF(420),NS(42),NE(42) DOUBLE PRECISION X,T,B,BS,D1,D2,DD,TP,TE,DR C C In case of limited memory, adjust the following defaults! C DOUBLE PRECISION D(3080),H(3080,3080),HH(420,420),FF(420,420) DOUBLE PRECISION AM(2691360),WORK(14288400),Z(11340),HD(3780) NNM=3780 NMT=3080 NCM=711 PM=20 C C Set remaining defaults. C TE=1.D-2 TP=2.D-5 NM=420 LM=42 II=0 IQ=0 IP=0 MM=2 IJOB=-2 C C Read parameters C PRINT *,"Enter: N b bs nb dr (0 0 0 0 0 for usage)" READ *,N,B,BS,NB,DR C C When N=0 give info (NB=0) on input format and ask if user wants C 'plist' initialized; skip info for NB non-zero and set P(I)=|NB|. C IF(N.NE.0)GOTO 3 IF(NB.NE.0)GOTO 1 PRINT *,"Tabulate from b, with nb steps of bs; N<0 no Temple" PRINT *,"dr>=1: {dr:E0-1}->{dr-10:E1-2}; dr<-1 uses (H)Htab2" PRINT *,"dr=-1, b=w|-w uses Htab0/2h; 0<|dr|<1, b=r, Veff(r)" PRINT *,"from chi0'=dchi0/dr: dr<0, (F=0) uses (H)Htab0r and" PRINT *,"dr>0 (F=2) uses (H)Htab2r, dr>=11 uses psi (created" PRINT *,"when dr<11, nb=1) & plist, resets dr=0 and computes" PRINT *,"fn*fn (nb=0) and fn (nb=1). dr=0 uses plist, Bjtab," PRINT *,"(R)Rtab2, (H)Htab2r. nb<0 prunes: if |Z(n)|P+1, till error2|3, gives nb eigenvalues." PRINT *,"N=0 initializes plist with P(I)=|nb|, if 0 it shows" PRINT *,"info & asks for number of radial modes at each Y_n." PRINT *,"" PRINT *,"Initialize plist (no=0, yes=#radial modes0), I=dl+10, C I=10,12,14,16,18 -> HH=Hvv/4, I=11,13,15 -> HH=Hvf; C I=dl+20, I=20,22 -> FF=Hff (FF, to avoid mix with HH!) C HHtab(2,[0|2h,]0r,2r) for dr<-1, [dr=-1,] -1=0 C If HHtab0 and HHtab2h unavailable, K is reset to -1, C otherwise reading HHtab needs small modifications. C 13 IF(DR.EQ.-1)K=-1 IF((DR.LE.-1).AND.(B.LT.0))K=-1 IF(K.NE.1) GOTO 22 IF(DR.GE.0)OPEN(1,FILE='HHtab2r') IF(DR.LT.-1)OPEN(1,FILE='HHtab2') IF((DR.EQ.-1).AND.(B.GE.0))OPEN(1,FILE='HHtab0') IF((DR.EQ.-1).AND.(B.LT.0))OPEN(1,FILE='HHtab2h') IF((DR.LT.0).AND.(DR.GT.-1))OPEN(1,FILE='HHtab0r') 20 READ (1,*) I,N,M,X IF((I.EQ.19).OR.(M.GT.NM))GOTO 21 IF((I.EQ.20).OR.(I.EQ.22))FF(N,M)=T**2*X IF((I.EQ.11).OR.(I.EQ.13).OR.(I.EQ.15))HH(N,M)=T**5*X IF((I.EQ.10).OR.(I.EQ.12).OR.(I.EQ.14).OR. > (I.EQ.16).OR.(I.EQ.18))HH(N,M)=T**8*X/4 HH(M,N)=HH(N,M) FF(M,N)=FF(N,M) GOTO 20 21 CLOSE(1) IF((N.EQ.NM).OR.(DR.LT.0))GOTO 22 PRINT *,"Reset nmax=",NM," to HHtab2r value ",N STOP 22 IF(DR.NE.0)GOTO 43 C C Find the N values with l given, i.e. invert l(N) (needed if dr=0) C I=1 DO 31 M=3,LM NS(M)=I DO 30 I=NS(M),NM-1 If(L(I).GT.M)GOTO 31 NE(M)=I 30 CONTINUE 31 CONTINUE NE(LM)=NM C C Read #radials for Y(n) (used as variational set), stop at "nmax p" C Check if # states stays below NN. Reset the last p(I) to match NN C If P(I)>pmax, reset P(I) to pmax=PM. Change te and tp with pruning. C When computing fsq and fn from psi (dr>=11), take P(I),b,te,tp from C PROPER plist and read psi. Sets N to N(psi). If N(plist) .AND.(I.EQ.II).AND.(D1.EQ.TE).AND.(D2.EQ.TP))GOTO 37 PRINT *,"Wrong F,N,B,II,TE,TP for psi (B,TE,TP set by plist)" STOP 37 IF(NN.EQ.N)GOTO 38 CLOSE(1) NN=N GOTO 34 38 IF(J.GT.N)PRINT *,"Warning: N(psi) NF(N)+P, P=0,1,...,P(N)-1 C 41 NF(1)=1 DO 42 N=2,NM NF(N)=NF(N-1)+P(N-1) 42 CONTINUE C C When too big, reset NN to total number of available states! C 43 IF(M.LT.NN)NN=M IF(K.NE.1)MM=MIN(MM,NN) IF(IQ.EQ.1)GOTO 99 C C Print parameters, to screen and `tab-out' for a table. C IF(KK.NE.1)GOTO 46 IF(II.EQ.1)GOTO 44 IF(DR.EQ.0)PRINT *,"F=2: N,b,bs,nb,te,tp=", > NN,B,BS,NB,TE,TP,", {b,E0-dE0,E0,E1,0.}:" IF(DR.EQ.0)WRITE (3,*) "(* F=2: N,b,bs,nb,te,tp=", > NN,B,BS,NB,TE,TP,", {b,E0-dE0,E0,E1,0.}: *)" IF(DR.LT.-1)PRINT *,"F=2: N,b,bs,nb=", > NN,B,BS,NB,", {b,E0-dE0,E0,E1,0.}:" IF(DR.LT.-1)WRITE (3,*) "(* F=2: N,b,bs,nb=", > NN,B,BS,NB,", {b,E0-dE0,E0,E1,0.}: *)" IF(DR.GT.0)PRINT *,"F=2: N,r,rs,nr,dr=", > NN,B,BS,NB,DR,", {r,E0-dE0,E0,E1,Veff0}:" IF(DR.GT.0)WRITE (3,*) "(* F=2: N,r,rs,nr,dr=", > NN,B,BS,NB,DR,", {r,E0-dE0,E0,E1,Veff0}: *)" IF((DR.LT.0).AND.(DR.GT.-1))PRINT *,"F=0: N,r,rs,nr,dr=", > NN,B,BS,NB,DR,", {r,E0-dE0,E0,E1,Veff0}:" IF((DR.LT.0).AND.(DR.GT.-1))WRITE (3,*) "(* F=0: N,r,rs,nr,dr=", > NN,B,BS,NB,DR,", {b,E0-dE0,E0,E1,Veff0}: *)" IF(DR.EQ.-1)PRINT *,"F=",INT(1.1-B/DABS(B)),": N,w,ws,nw=", > NN,B,BS,NB,", {w,E0-dE0,E0,E1,0.}:" IF(DR.EQ.-1)WRITE (3,*) "(* F=",INT(1.1-B/DABS(B)),": N,w,ws,nw=", > NN,B,BS,NB,", {w,E0-dE0,E0,E1,0.}: *)" GOTO 45 44 IF(DR.EQ.0)PRINT *,"F=2: N,b,bs,nb,te,tp=", > NN,B,BS,NB,TE,TP,", {b,E1-dE1,E1,E2,0.}:" IF(DR.EQ.0)WRITE (3,*) "(* F=2: N,b,bs,nb,te,tp=", > NN,B,BS,NB,TE,TP,", {b,E1-dE1,E1,E2,0.}: *)" IF(DR.LT.-1)PRINT *,"F=2: N,b,bs,nb=", > NN,B,BS,NB,", {b,E1-dE1,E1,E2,0.}:" IF(DR.LT.-1)WRITE (3,*) "(* F=2: N,b,bs,nb=", > NN,B,BS,NB,", {b,E1-dE1,E1,E2,0.}: *)" IF(DR.GT.0)PRINT *,"F=2: N,r,rs,nr,dr=", > NN,B,BS,NB,DR,", {r,E1-dE1,E1,E2,Veff1}:" IF(DR.GT.0)WRITE (3,*) "(* F=2: N,r,rs,nr,dr=", > NN,B,BS,NB,DR,", {r,E1-dE1,E1,E2,Veff1}: *)" IF((DR.LT.0).AND.(DR.GT.-1))PRINT *,"F=0: N,r,rs,nr,dr=", > NN,B,BS,NB,DR,", {r,E1-dE1,E1,E2,Veff1}:" IF((DR.LT.0).AND.(DR.GT.-1))WRITE (3,*) "(* F=0: N,r,rs,nr,dr=", > NN,B,BS,NB,DR,", {b,E1-dE1,E1,E2,Veff1}: *)" IF(DR.EQ.-1)PRINT *,"F=",INT(1.1-B/DABS(B)),": N,w,ws,nw=", > NN,B,BS,NB,", {w,E1-dE1,E1,E2,0.}:" IF(DR.EQ.-1)WRITE (3,*) "(* F=",INT(1.1-B/DABS(B)),": N,w,ws,nw=", > NN,B,BS,NB,", {w,E1-dE1,E1,E2,0.}: *)" 45 WRITE (3,*) "Es={" C C While reading radial matrix elements (dr=0), build H (in WORK) for C each b, diagonalize, build H*H, reset WORK=AM=0 and move to b+bs. C Retrun to this point when making a table for dr=0. C 46 DO 47 I=1,NN*NN WORK(I)=0. 47 CONTINUE C C For dr=0 read Rtab2 to build H, else use Htab values. C IF(DR.EQ.0)GOTO 49 DO 48 IM=1,NN WORK((IM-1)*NN+IM)=H(IM,IM) DO 48 IN=IM+1,NN WORK((IN-1)*NN+IM)=H(IN,IM) WORK((IM-1)*NN+IN)=H(IM,IN) 48 CONTINUE GOTO 55 C C I labels the power of B to be multiplied with for each matrix element, C and identifies its type: I=4 -> Hv, I=1 -> Hf (no mixing so both in H), C I=-2 -> Z(l(N),P)^2/2, the diagonal kinetic term stored in HD. C 49 OPEN(1,FILE='Rtab2') 50 READ (1,*) I,NP,MP,NL,ML,X IF(I.EQ.0)GOTO 53 DO 52 IM=NS(ML),NE(ML) IF(MP.GE.P(IM))GOTO 52 JM=NF(IM)+MP IF(I.EQ.-2)HD(JM)=X*(B**I) IF(I.EQ.-2)GOTO 52 DO 51 IN=NS(NL),NE(NL) IF(NP.GE.P(IN))GOTO 51 JN=NF(IN)+NP C C When NL=ML (equal momentum l), we listed in Rtab2 for NP<=MP. C If IN=IM (same Y[n]) this is ok, else we also need to exchange C NP and MP, when unequal. Easiest is just to symmetrize. C WORK((JN-1)*NN+JM)=H(IN,IM)*X*(B**I) WORK((JM-1)*NN+JN)=H(IN,IM)*X*(B**I) 51 CONTINUE 52 CONTINUE GOTO 50 53 CLOSE(1) IF(NL.EQ.LM)GOTO 54 PRINT *,"Reset lmax=",LM," to Rtab2 value ",NL STOP 54 IF(PM.LE.(NP+1))GOTO 55 PRINT *,"Warning: pmax=",PM," was reset to Rtab2 value ",NP+1 PM=NP+1 55 IER=0 C C First find the number of codiagonals. C NC=0 DO 56 I=1,NN DO 56 J=I+NC,NN IF(WORK((I-1)*NN+J).NE.0)NC=J-I 56 CONTINUE C C Warn if NN>NNM or NC>CM and set up the matrix AM for H C IF((NN.GT.NNM).OR.(NC.GT.NCM))PRINT *,"Warning: NC=",NC, > " or N=",NN," might be too big" DO 57 I=0,NC DO 57 J=1,NN IR=I+J-NC IF(IR.GT.0)AM(I*NN+J)=WORK((IR-1)*NN+J) IF(IR.EQ.J)AM(I*NN+J)=AM(I*NN+J)+HD(J) 57 CONTINUE CALL EIGBS (AM,NN,NN,IJOB,NC,MM,D,Z,NN,WORK,IER) C C Writing the eigenvector to psi if NB=1 (when dr=0, keep with plist!) C IF((NB.NE.1).OR.(IJOB.EQ.-1))GOTO 67 PRINT *,"Writing psi" IF(DR.EQ.0)PRINT *,"To be kept with plist!" OPEN(2,FILE='psi') IF(DR.EQ.0) WRITE (2,*) 2,NN,B,II,D(1+II),TE,TP IF(DR.GT.0) WRITE (2,*) 2,NN,B,II,D(1+II),0.,0. IF(DR.LT.-1)WRITE (2,*) 2,NN,B,II,D(1+II),0.,0. IF((DR.EQ.-1).AND.(B.GE.0))WRITE (2,*) 0,NN,B,II,D(1+II),0.,0. IF((DR.EQ.-1).AND.(B.LT.0))WRITE (2,*) 2,NN,B,II,D(1+II),0.,0. IF((DR.LT.0).AND.(DR.GT.-1))WRITE (2,*) 0,NN,B,II,D(1+II),0.,0. DO 66,I=1,NN WRITE (2,*) I,Z(I+II*NN) 66 CONTINUE CLOSE(2) 67 IF(K.NE.1) GOTO 77 C C Temple's inequality -- for dr=0 read RRtab2, else use HHtab values C T=0. IF(DR.EQ.0)GOTO 69 DO 68 IM=1,NN T=T+Z(IM+II*NN)*(HH(IM,IM)+FF(IM,IM))*Z(IM+II*NN) DO 68 IN=IM+1,NN T=T+2*Z(IN+II*NN)*(HH(IN,IM)+FF(IN,IM))*Z(IM+II*NN) 68 CONTINUE GOTO 75 C C Do Temple's inequality while reading RRtab2. I labels the power C of B multiplied with for each matrix element, and identifies its C type: I=8 -> Hvv, I=5 -> Hvf (HH, no mixing), I=2 -> Hff (FF). C 69 OPEN(1,FILE='RRtab2') 70 READ (1,*) I,NP,MP,NL,ML,X IF(I.EQ.0)GOTO 73 DO 72 IM=NS(ML),NE(ML) IF(MP.GE.P(IM))GOTO 72 JM=NF(IM)+MP DO 71 IN=NS(NL),NE(NL) IF(NP.GE.P(IN))GOTO 71 IF(I.EQ.2)DD=FF(IN,IM)*X*(B**I) IF(I.NE.2)DD=HH(IN,IM)*X*(B**I) JN=NF(IN)+NP C C When NL=ML (equal momentum l), we listed in RRtab2 for NP<=MP. C If IN=IM (same Y[n]) this is ok, else we also need to exchange C NP and MP, when unequal. Summing over all IN,IM with NL=ML C double counts if NP=MP, so insist (NP!=MP)||(IN0). C Htab2r: NC=INT(4Sqrt(NN)-3), Htab0r: NC=INT(1.3Sqrt(NN)), but NO need C to compute the number of codiagonals again! Here we use HD to store C the wavefunction after the first pass. WORK now contains all of H. C T=0. IF((DR.EQ.0).OR.(DR.LE.-1))GOTO 90 IJOB=-2 DO 80 I=1,NN*NN WORK(I)=0. 80 CONTINUE IF(DR.GE.0)OPEN(1,FILE='Htab2r') IF(DR.LT.0)OPEN(1,FILE='Htab0r') 81 READ (1,*) I,N,M,X IF(I.EQ.9)GOTO 82 IF(I.EQ.1)WORK((N-1)*NN+M)=(B-DR)*X IF((I.EQ.0).OR.(I.EQ.2).OR.(I.EQ.4))WORK((N-1)*NN+M)=(B-DR)**4*X/2 IF(I.EQ.3)WORK((N-1)*NN+M)=WORK((N-1)*NN+M)+X/(B-DR)**2/2 WORK((M-1)*NN+N)=WORK((N-1)*NN+M) GOTO 81 82 CLOSE(1) DO 83 I=0,NC DO 83 J=1,NN IR=I+J-NC IF(IR.GT.0)AM(I*NN+J)=WORK((IR-1)*NN+J) IF(IR.EQ.J)AM(I*NN+J)=AM(I*NN+J) 83 CONTINUE CALL EIGBS (AM,NN,NN,IJOB,NC,MM,D,Z,NN,WORK,IER) DO 84 N=1,NN HD(N)=Z(N+II*NN) 84 CONTINUE DO 85 I=1,NN*NN WORK(I)=0. 85 CONTINUE IF(DR.GE.0)OPEN(1,FILE='Htab2r') IF(DR.LT.0)OPEN(1,FILE='Htab0r') 86 READ (1,*) I,N,M,X IF(I.EQ.9)GOTO 87 IF(I.EQ.1)WORK((N-1)*NN+M)=(B+DR)*X IF((I.EQ.0).OR.(I.EQ.2).OR.(I.EQ.4))WORK((N-1)*NN+M)=(B+DR)**4*X/2 IF(I.EQ.3)WORK((N-1)*NN+M)=WORK((N-1)*NN+M)+X/(B+DR)**2/2 WORK((M-1)*NN+N)=WORK((N-1)*NN+M) GOTO 86 87 CLOSE(1) DO 88 I=0,NC DO 88 J=1,NN IR=I+J-NC IF(IR.GT.0)AM(I*NN+J)=WORK((IR-1)*NN+J) IF(IR.EQ.J)AM(I*NN+J)=AM(I*NN+J) 88 CONTINUE CALL EIGBS (AM,NN,NN,IJOB,NC,MM,D,Z,NN,WORK,IER) C C Z(1+II*NN) assumed non-zero. Correct for overall sign ambiguity. C X=1. IF((HD(1)/Z(1+II*NN)).LT.0)X=-1. DO 89 N=1,NN T=T+(Z(N+II*NN)-X*HD(N))**2 89 CONTINUE C C (dX/dr)^2=T/DR/DR/4+O(DR^2), used to compute Veff. C T=D1+T/DR/DR/8+6/B/B C C Print the results -- DD=0. without Temple, T=0. without Veff. C 90 IF(K.NE.1)DD=0 IF(KK.LT.NB)WRITE (3,*) " {",B,",",DD,",",D1,",",D2,",",T,"}," IF(KK.GE.NB)WRITE (3,*) " {",B,",",DD,",",D1,",",D2,",",T,"}}" PRINT *,"{",B,",",DD,",",D1,",",D2,",",T,"}" C C If bs=0 and nb>2/3 we use nb to set the number of eigenvalues to C be computed and write a table. Switched off when we compute H^2. C IF(MM.LE.2+II) GOTO 92 WRITE (3,*) "Etab={" DO 91 I=1,MM-1 PRINT *,"{",I,",",D(I),"}," WRITE (3,*) "{",I,",",D(I),"}," 91 CONTINUE PRINT *,"{",MM,",",D(MM),"}" WRITE (3,*) "{",MM,",",D(MM),"}}" C C Making a table (nb>1), for dr=0 it suffices to re-read (R)Rtab2. C Otherwize we need to re-read everything so as to reset b (w or r). C 92 B=B+BS KK=KK+1 IF((DR.EQ.0).AND.(KK.LE.NB))GOTO 46 IF((DR.NE.0).AND.(KK.LE.NB))GOTO 6 IF((DR.NE.0).OR.(IJOB.EQ.-1).OR.(NB.GT.1))STOP B=B-BS IF(IP.EQ.0)GOTO 99 C C Prune when dr=0 and nb<0 -> IP=1, nb=1. We prune basis vectors with C |Z[n]|0, compute fn*fn at r=I*b/IT for I=1 to IT using C Bjtab (made with, which contains tabulated values of C Bj[l,Z[l,p]I/IT]/(Sqrt[Nr[Z[l,p],l]]Bj[l,Z[l,p]]) with Z[l,p-1] C the p-th root of the derivative of the spherical Bessel function C Bj[l,z]. In Bjtab we first increase p, then l and finally I. We C diagonalize H at each r, store chi0 in HD (Z already used for Psi) C and compute f0=. NOTE: NO factor 4pi is extracted and C \int_0^b dr\sum_n(r*f_n(r))^2=1 (instead of 1/4pi). C 99 T=0. D1=0. IR=0 PRINT *,"{r,fsq,f0}=" WRITE (3,*) "fsqfn={" OPEN(1,FILE='Bjtab') READ (1,*) IT,LT,PT,X IF((LT.EQ.LM).AND.(PT.GE.PM))GOTO 100 PRINT *,"Range of l in Bjtab,",LT,", does not match lmax=",LM PRINT *,"or range of p,",PT,", does not extend to pmax=",PM STOP 100 IR=IR+1 IF(NB.EQ.0)GOTO 105 DO 101 I=1,NM*NM WORK(I)=0. 101 CONTINUE OPEN(2,FILE='Htab2r') 102 READ (2,*) I,N,M,X IF(I.EQ.9)GOTO 103 IF(I.EQ.1)WORK((N-1)*NM+M)=IR*B*X/IT IF((I.EQ.0).OR.(I.EQ.2).OR.(I.EQ.4)) > WORK((N-1)*NM+M)=(IR*B/IT)**4*X/2 IF(I.EQ.3)WORK((N-1)*NM+M)=WORK((N-1)*NM+M)+X/(IR*B/IT)**2/2 WORK((M-1)*NM+N)=WORK((N-1)*NM+M) GOTO 102 103 CLOSE(2) NC=INT(4*SQRT(NM*1.)-3) DO 104 I=0,NC DO 104 J=1,NM N=I+J-NC IF(N.GT.0)AM(I*NM+J)=WORK((N-1)*NM+J) IF(N.EQ.J)AM(I*NM+J)=AM(I*NM+J) 104 CONTINUE CALL EIGBS (AM,NM,NM,-2,NC,1,D,HD,NM,WORK,IER) 105 READ (1,*) IR,LN,PN,X WORK(PN+1)=X IF(PN.NE.(PT-1))GOTO 105 DO 107 N=NS(LN),NE(LN) X=0. DO 106 I=0,P(N)-1 X=X+Z(NF(N)+I+II*NN)*WORK(I+1) 106 CONTINUE T=T+X*X IF(NB.EQ.0)GOTO 107 IF(HD(1).LT.0)D1=D1-X*HD(N) IF(HD(1).GE.0)D1=D1+X*HD(N) 107 CONTINUE IF(LN.LT.LM)GOTO 105 T=T/B**3 D1=D1/B/DSQRT(B) IF(Z(1+II*NN).LT.0)D1=-D1 PRINT *,"{",IR*B/IT,",",T,",",D1,"}" IF(IR.LT.IT)WRITE (3,*) > " {",IR*B/IT,",",T,",",D1,"}," IF(IR.EQ.IT)WRITE (3,*) > " {",IR*B/IT,",",T,",",D1,"}}" D1=0. T=0. IF(IR.LT.IT)GOTO 100 CLOSE(1) STOP END